stylist in a salon suite providing coloring services - animated

5-steps To better marketing

5-steps To better marketing

If you are looking to open a new salon suite brand, you have a lot of things on your plate. Construction projects rarely go according to plan, and with upwards of 30 sinks needing to be installed, chances for delays are even higher. Plus, managing the licensing and permitting process could be its own full-time job leading up to the day your doors open. On top of all of this, you have to worry about generating awareness around your new suite brand, and getting talented salon pros signed up and in the door!

All these projects are necessary to get your salon suite’s location up and running. And while you hire a General contractor to take care of the building process, and likely a consultant to navigate the local licensing and inspection requirements, are you getting expert help in the one area that actually helps you generate revenue on day one?

Your Salon Suite Marketing Partners

Whether this is a passion project, a new career path, or simply an investment opportunity for you, we are the marketing team that frees up your time to focus on what matters most to you. Our team has worked with owner-operators, investment groups, and semi-absentee owners to get more leads for their salon suite businesses and increase their conversion rate once they’re on your radar.

Our team at Bow Tie has the marketing skillset, industry vision, and subject matter expertise to take your salon suite brand from plan to profitability. We grew our business within the salon suite industry so we know it better than anyone, and we specialize in the areas of digital marketing that matter most to your business. From website development, to lead generation, to community engagement, we have a suite of services that can help you fill your studios salons and reduce churn.

Get a Head Start

Download our 5-step marketing plan for new salon suites

To help you get started in your salon suite journey we have developed a 5-step marketing plan and checklist that every salon suite operator should take into consideration when planning and creating a new salon brand, or looking to improve their current one. The PDF includes details in all 5 steps and suggested timing for each so you know when you need to take action!

Simply fill in your name and email to have our 5-step Marketing Plan for New Salon Suites sent to your inbox!